Monday, August 24, 2009

From Bob Rittner

Gladys and I worked together for her entire time in Hastings. We were friends as well as colleagues, and Gladys reached out to become friends with my wife Bernadette as well. I always loved listening to them on the phone, each laughing uproariously as they shared stories. Whenever Bernadette got off the phone with Gladys she was happy and smiling.

I think what people sometimes forget is how cosmopolitan Gladys was. Whenever possible I saw to it that she had the foreign students in her class, and when the opportunity arose had her teach special groups of foreign students so they could integrate into the school. Invariably they were grateful for her help, whether they were from Kazakhistan or Japan, Latin America or Europe. I know Gladys got immense satisfaction from her ability to connect with them, in large part due to her remarkable understanding and appreciation of their cultures and backgrounds. They found her patient and caring while being impressed by her intellect.

I was always grateful to Gladys for being so much on the cutting edge of computer education. Well before most people in the school she recognized their increasing necessity for teachers and students and became our department's primary resource in that field.

But most of all I remember her warmth and wit and her genuine concern for others. Her admiration for Eunice Lloyd came from her deep appreciation for and desire to emulate the qualities Eunice represented: commitment to excellence, integrity, dedication and a desire to do good in the world. I am deeply saddened by her passing but treasure the memories I have.

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